Natural Hemorrhoid Treatments For Hemorrhoid Relief
Hemorrhoids, also know as piles, are a common condition afflicting people of all ages. There are two types of hemorrhoids: external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids. A person may have both internal and external hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids can become absolutely ball-buster. Internal hemorrhoids may not cause pain but they can produce blood with a bowel movement. Other hemorrhoids symptoms cover infrequent throbbing pain, itching, and burning sensation. External hemorrhoids give rise to a burdensome swelling or a hard lump around the anus, the outgrowth of a blood pool.
Hemorrhoids are commonly caused by constipation, straining during bowel movements and pregnancy. You may have a genetic propensity to grow hemorrhoids.
Most cases of hemorrhoids can usually be treated effectively with over - the - counter medications. These medications are usually designed to alleviate hemorrhoids symptoms of pain, itching, and burning sensations and to reduce the inflammation associated with hemorrhoids. In more severe cases, your doctor may suggest surgical removal of the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid treatments involving surgery will encompass rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, maroon glossy, and stapling.
However, most mild hemorrhoids will respond to home remedies used to reduce the pain and inflammation. These natural remedies should only be tried after you have had your hemorrhoids look at by your doctor. This is especially true if you have pragmatic bleeding with your hemorrhoids.
A common cause of hemorrhoids is a low - fiber diet, which causes constipation and leads to mini and hard stools that are arduous to pass. Eating the right amounts of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of water a day will soften stool and increase the bulk, which will reduce the need to strain and lessen the pressure on hemorrhoids. Good sources of fiber are fruits, whole grains and vegetables.
Another good natural home remedy for treating hemorrhoids is to take powdered psyllium fiber supplement. Psyllium seeds are high in fiber and will help soften stool to alleviate the discomforts of hemorrhoids.
Bioflavonoids are natural plant compounds that help maintain and heal blood vessel walls and decrease inflammation and reduce the accompanying pain and bleeding. Vegetables well-to-do in bioflavanoids combine broccoli, green budding vegetables, rutin and wheat. Bioflavonoid supplements can also be purchased at your original natural health food store. Side effects from using bioflavonoid supplements are singular, but if you have pregnancy hemorrhoids and are considering taking bioflavonoid supplements to treat the condition, check with your obstetrician before you try them.
Witch hazel, an guttural, can be used to reduce hemorrhoid bleeding, relieve pain, reduce itching and swelling. Witch hazel compress or witch hazel cream can also be used to help reduce the hemorrhoids bleeding.
Another natural hemorrhoid treatment is a plant called butcher’s broom. Butcher’s broom has stretched been used to alleviate the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. The plant contains a compound called ruscogen with known anti - inflammatory and vein constricting properties. Your local health food store will likely bear butcher’s broom.
These natural hemorrhoids treatments should only be used under the control of your doctor, especially if you are taking prescription drugs.
Just because something is natural ( i. e. poison ivy ), doesn’t niggard that it is safe. Sometimes natural medications or ingredients can interact with the chemicals in prescription medication.
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