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Monday, August 5, 2013

Natural Pcos Treatment Helps To Correct Symptoms Without Chemicals

Natural Pcos Treatment Helps To Correct Symptoms Without Chemicals

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a ailment that has no real cure, but there are some things that can be done to get rid of the pesky symptoms. Prescriptions can be procured from the doctor but there are other things you can do that do not act on chemicals. Instead try some natural PCOS treatment regimens that will help the symptoms of this disease to practically disappear. PCOS causes the ovaries to enlarge thanks to they are plagued by pint-sized cysts. Some women with these cysts may regard no difference but there are those that will have irregular periods or none at all. They may get deadpan cases of acne or facial hair that is excessive. Some gain weight especially around the waist area. Women that have this disease are often also diabetics or become diabetic and many times they become infertile. The ovaries produce too much testosterone, a male hormone that all females have in wee quantities. Diet plays an important part in PCOS sufferers. Their dudes encourage to be insulin resistant and instead of using carbohydrates to produce energy it equitable stores them as fat. A low carb diet is suggested getting carbs from fruit and vegetables and exceedingly limiting grains. PCOS sufferers often respond well to eating organic foods. Many animals used for meats are given growth hormones in standardization to enhance the meat. Since a PCOS turkey coeval has a great imbalance in the hormones, it is best not to introduce any more through the food they eat. Saturated fats, artificial sweeteners, caffeine and alcohol should be avoided. Sugar should also be limited as of the high blood sugar counts many women with PCOS have. Good things to eat are nuts, seeds, oils, lentils, chickpeas, and fish. There are several supplements that can help with symptoms of the disorder. Always start by taking a multivitamin so that you are certain that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs. To stop craving foods you should not eat and help with blood sugar try Chromium and Magnesium. Zinc will stop you from being hungry and also help with sugar. Co - enzyme Q10 will take those carbs that are ingested and make them change into pure energy instead of being stored as fat. Other substances that burn fat are any of the B vitamins. These things do not start working right away. You might have to take them for up to 3 months before you look any results. Herbs are further substance that might help PCOS. One of the best herbs for the problem is Immaculate Tree. This herb aids the pituitary gland to release the hormone luteinising that raises the progesterone levels. Progesterone is necessary in uniformity for a woman to release eggs and have periods so this is something a woman desiring to become pregnant should look into. When you think of licorice you might think of that gummy red or atramentous candy that comes in crooked sticks. This has inimitably too eminently sugar and not enough of the herb, licorice to do you any good. Instead go to the health food store and find licorice tea, licorice tincture or capsules filled with dried licorice and take them. A remedy for menopause is also good for PCOS and that is Fed up Cohosh. This herb is an anti - inflammatory and will stop any violence in the ovaries that is caused by all the little cysts. One herb that is usually given to men who have too much testosterone is Saw Palmetto and this may benefit a woman who has too much of the hormone. It also stops the facial hair growth as well. It should be noted that if you are taking any birth control pills, hormone treatment medication, or fertility drugs you should not take the hefty herbal remedies. It is possible that some of the supplements higher could interact with those drugs so make sure to tell your doctor you are taking them and espy if it is acceptable with all the other things you may be taking. If all else fails you can try Acupuncture as it has been proven to help women with PCOS in freeing the energy that runs through the body. Sometimes true a regular exercise program at the local gym or mobile every obscurity will help with the symptoms. Make sure to stop blazing if you have PCOS in that it can cause problems with periods and make menopause come on early. All the natural PCOS treatments in the world will not work unless you prompt a healthy lifestyle.

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